e-mail: roland.koeck(at)boku.ac.at
phone: +43 / 1 / 47654 - 91322
Institute of Silviculture (Institut für Waldbau)
Department of Forest- and Soil Sciences
BOKU - University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
A-1190 Wien, Peter Jordanstr. 82
room: 02/134 (Schwackhöferhaus, 2nd floor)
Roland Koeck is working at the Institute of Silviculture as research assistant since March 1998. He completed his degree in "Forest- and Humane Ecology" with the master thesis "Plant Sites within the North-Eastern Limestone Alps of Austria – Forest- and Humane Ecological Perspectives" in February 1996. He currently focuses his studies on the field of the development of forest management guidelines for drinking water protection headwaters. The elaboration of silvicultural alternatives for the optimisation of the water protection functionality of mountain forest stands within karstic headwaters was the thematic focus of the INTERREG III B Cadses project KATER II. In the course of this project, he developed a hydrotope model, which was adapted to the specific needs of drinking water protection forestry. The analysis of data from forest hydrological research stations on Mount Rax (montane and subalpine zone) is an additional part of his work and completes his forest hydrological research. A further focus of his studies is dedicated to forest site mapping and the deduction of potential natural forest vegetation. The combination of forest ecological knowledge with silvicultural concepts and potential measures is part of this working field. He will introduce his research activities into a current pine research project, in the course of which silvicultural management alternatives for two Austrian pine species have to be defined.