Courses BOKU-StartDepartment of Economics and Social SciencesInstitute of Sustainable Economic DevelopmentCourses This page is available under these URLs: Course nr Title Credits Course nr TYP ECTS Title Winter term 2024/25 730016 UE BOKU music 2 730016 UE 2 BOKU music 730103 SE Compulsory internship seminar 3 730103 SE 3 Compulsory internship seminar 730307 VU Foresights - what future to expect? (Late lessons from early warnings) 3 730307 VU 3 Foresights - what future to expect? (Late lessons from early warnings) 731104 VO Fundamentals of economics I 2 731104 VO 2 Fundamentals of economics I 731111 VO Fundamentals of economics I 2 731111 VO 2 Fundamentals of economics I 731115 VO Principles of economics 6 731115 VO 6 Principles of economics 731116 UE Exercises in economics 2 731116 UE 2 Exercises in economics 731121 VS Project management (AS) 2 731121 VS 2 Project management (AS) 731127 VO Basics of microeconomics 3 731127 VO 3 Basics of microeconomics 731128 VO Basics in macroeconomics 3 731128 VO 3 Basics in macroeconomics 731131 VO Environmental and resource economics 2 731131 VO 2 Environmental and resource economics 731132 UE Environmental and resource economics 2 731132 UE 2 Environmental and resource economics 731134 VO Basics of sustainable development 3 731134 VO 3 Basics of sustainable development 731135 VU Agricultural and food policy 3 731135 VU 3 Agricultural and food policy 731136 VS Environmental sociology 3 731136 VS 3 Environmental sociology 731308 VO Environment eco-management and audit scheme 3 731308 VO 3 Environment eco-management and audit scheme 731311 VU Project management - advanced 3 731311 VU 3 Project management - advanced 731323 VO Socio-cultural aspects of the development of rural areas 3 731323 VO 3 Socio-cultural aspects of the development of rural areas 731337 VO Methods and tools of rural development 3 731337 VO 3 Methods and tools of rural development 731340 SE Advanced seminar in environmental and resource economics 3 731340 SE 3 Advanced seminar in environmental and resource economics 731342 SE Core seminar rural development 3 731342 SE 3 Core seminar rural development 731343 SE Seminar in agricultural and food policy 3 731343 SE 3 Seminar in agricultural and food policy 731345 SE Coaching of project managers 3 731345 SE 3 Coaching of project managers 731348 VU Managerial economics 3 731348 VU 3 Managerial economics 731349 VO Agro-Food studies 3 731349 VO 3 Agro-Food studies 731351 VS Applied mathematical programming in natural resource management 3 731351 VS 3 Applied mathematical programming in natural resource management 731369 VS Computer simulation in energy and resource economics 3 731369 VS 3 Computer simulation in energy and resource economics 731373 VS Principles of qualitative approaches in the social sciences 3 731373 VS 3 Principles of qualitative approaches in the social sciences 731381 VO Advanced natural resource economics 3 731381 VO 3 Advanced natural resource economics 731383 VS Principles of empirical research methods in the social sciences 3 731383 VS 3 Principles of empirical research methods in the social sciences 731384 VO Rural sociology 3 731384 VO 3 Rural sociology 731388 SE Management of rural development - seminar 3 731388 SE 3 Management of rural development - seminar 731389 VS Agricultural journalism 3 731389 VS 3 Agricultural journalism 731392 VS Principles of commodity futures markets 3 731392 VS 3 Principles of commodity futures markets 731396 SE Economics and sociology of climate solutions 3 731396 SE 3 Economics and sociology of climate solutions Summer term 2025 730017 UE BOKU Music 2 730017 UE 2 BOKU Music 730103 SE Compulsory internship seminar 3 730103 SE 3 Compulsory internship seminar 730403 VU Integrating sociocultural and economic processes 3 730403 VU 3 Integrating sociocultural and economic processes 731029 SE Reading group economics and sustainability 2 731029 SE 2 Reading group economics and sustainability 731101 VO Project management 3 731101 VO 3 Project management 731113 VS General and rural sociology 3 731113 VS 3 General and rural sociology 731118 VO Contemporary agrarian history 3 731118 VO 3 Contemporary agrarian history 731119 VO Economic and social aspects of rural development 3 731119 VO 3 Economic and social aspects of rural development 731120 VO Regional planning/rural development (AS) 3 731120 VO 3 Regional planning/rural development (AS) 731127 VO Basics of microeconomics 3 731127 VO 3 Basics of microeconomics 731129 VU Interdisciplinary approaches and methods 3 731129 VU 3 Interdisciplinary approaches and methods 731130 VU Basic techniques of scientific working 3 731130 VU 3 Basic techniques of scientific working 731132 UE Environmental and resource economics 2 731132 UE 2 Environmental and resource economics 731137 VS Working together - Collective action for adaptive natural resource management 3 731137 VS 3 Working together - Collective action for adaptive natural resource management 731139 VU Scientific computing 3 731139 VU 3 Scientific computing 731140 UE Environment eco-management and audit scheme 3 731140 UE 3 Environment eco-management and audit scheme 731310 VO Economic of sustainable land use under global change 3 731310 VO 3 Economic of sustainable land use under global change 731314 SE Strategies of sustainability 3 731314 SE 3 Strategies of sustainability 731318 VU Regional and environmental economics 4.5 731318 VU 4.5 Regional and environmental economics 731319 VO Economics of externalities and social resources 3 731319 VO 3 Economics of externalities and social resources 731322 VS Energy economics and policy 3 731322 VS 3 Energy economics and policy 731324 VO Resource and environmental economics 3 731324 VO 3 Resource and environmental economics 731325 VO Principles of commodity markets and trade policy 3 731325 VO 3 Principles of commodity markets and trade policy 731328 VO Valuation methods for natural resources 3 731328 VO 3 Valuation methods for natural resources 731332 SE Econometrics - seminar 3 731332 SE 3 Econometrics - seminar 731333 VO Globalisation and rural development 3 731333 VO 3 Globalisation and rural development 731338 VO Econometrics 3 731338 VO 3 Econometrics 731344 SE Survey research in the social sciences 3 731344 SE 3 Survey research in the social sciences 731346 SE Rural sociology - seminar 3 731346 SE 3 Rural sociology - seminar 731347 VO Rural development 3 731347 VO 3 Rural development 731370 VU Operations research and system analysis 3 731370 VU 3 Operations research and system analysis 731371 EX Field trip regional development 3 731371 EX 3 Field trip regional development 731372 SE Seminar regional development 4 731372 SE 4 Seminar regional development 731385 VU Reforms and decision making process of common agricultural policy 3 731385 VU 3 Reforms and decision making process of common agricultural policy 731386 VS Agricultural production and policy impact modelling 3 731386 VS 3 Agricultural production and policy impact modelling 731387 SE Rural gender studies 3 731387 SE 3 Rural gender studies 731390 VO Economics and economic policy of the international wine sector 3 731390 VO 3 Economics and economic policy of the international wine sector 731391 VS Markets, prices and industrial organization 3 731391 VS 3 Markets, prices and industrial organization 731393 VU Institutional innovation and sustainability transformation 3 731393 VU 3 Institutional innovation and sustainability transformation 731395 VU Introduction to economical and political development cooperation 3 731395 VU 3 Introduction to economical and political development cooperation 731398 VS Resilience and environmental justice 3 731398 VS 3 Resilience and environmental justice 731401 VS Integrated land use modelling 3 731401 VS 3 Integrated land use modelling 731402 VO Welfare economic analysis of agricultural policy - theory and applications 3 731402 VO 3 Welfare economic analysis of agricultural policy - theory and applications 731406 SE Doctoral seminar T2S II 1.5 731406 SE 1.5 Doctoral seminar T2S II 731407 VU Applied mathematical programming in bio-economics 2 731407 VU 2 Applied mathematical programming in bio-economics