EnvEuro - Environmental Science. Soil, Water & Biodiversity

EnvEuro is a two-year European Master Programme in Environmental Science, offered by four leading European universities.The Master is focused on soil, water and biodiversity. It features an introduction to environmental science, six different specialisations, and finally a Masters thesis in environmental science. 

Further information: www.enveuro.eu

Note on the information on all legal aspects of studies (admission, examinations, completion,...): Only the information available on the websites of the study services is legally binding.

Meetings and Events Semester Start

EnvEuro Welcome Meeting at BOKU

We warmly invite all EnvEuro students at BOKU (1st year AND 2nd year) to BOKU's EnvEuro Welcome Meeting!
Please make sure that you join us - the attendance is compulsory. We are looking forward to meeting you!

Time: 1st of October 2024, 16:00-18:00
Place: SR 09, Schwackhöferhaus, Peter Jordanstr. 82, 1190 Vienna
Topics: Information on courses and the Individual Course Plan and Enveuro in general

Joint EnvEuro Introduction Day

In addition we invite all first year Enveuro students to the general EnvEuro Introduction Days for students starting at all 4 partner universities!
(attendance compulsory)

Sunday 20th of October 2024, 09:00 - 16:30 (online - link will be availabe here shortly before the meeting)
Focus: Information on your exchange to the partner university in the second year of EnvEuro, specialisations and host universities.

EnvEuro Community Event

We highly encourage you to kick-start your connection to other EnvEuro students in the special EnvEuro community event 
Sunday 24th November 2024, 9:00 - 12:00. Workshop on career options and MSc thesis preparations for EnvEuro students. Mixed with social activities for students across universities. Joint dinner in the evening before (Saturday 23rd November 2024).
The EnvEuro Community event takes place immediately after the ELLS Scientific Student Conference -> we warmly invite you to join!

A piece of land, half green, half prepared to be domesticated

Which courses and specialisations are offered?

How to apply
Which documents do I need? When are the deadlines?

Plan your Studies at BOKU
Information for the Welcome Days for students from abroad
Prior to your arrival
: Academic Calendar, Programmes and programme structure at BOKU, How to look for Courses,Course Types, European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System "ECTS", Master's thesis and Project Work, Language Courses, Tandem, Buddies, Facilities for students with special needs, Studying with children.
Upon arrival
: BOKU-Campuses, Registration at BOKU, Departments - Institutes, Library, Language Courses, Tandem –language learning, Austrian Students´ Union, Eating at BOKU, Social life at BOKU.

Plan your Life in Vienna
Prior to your arrival: Entry & Residence Permits (Visa), Accommodation, Insurance,  Cost of living, Vaccinations, Arrival in Vienna - when and where.
Upon arrival: Vienna - Quality of living and Safety, Arriving in Vienna - When and Where, Getting around in Vienna, Money & Bank Account, Phone, Sports, Cultural Activities in Vienna, Illness or personal problems, Foreign representations in Vienna.

My courses - Individual Course Plan (ICP)
When and how do I make my Individual Course Plan?

Transfer to the Host University
Which steps do I have to take? When?

Master's thesis
How do I find a topic and supervisor? Where do I have to register? ...

Which documents do I have to submit? When are the deadlines?