Band / Issue 19
Band 19 / Issue 19 (Sonderausgabe / Special edition)
Proceedings of the COST Action E40 Conference
Wood Quality and Niche Products
9 Beiträge / articles
80 Seiten (B5) / pages (size B5)
Text: in englischer Sprache
Text: in Englisch language
Erscheinungsdatum / year of publication: 2008
Inhalt / Contents The current proceedings of the conference "Wood Quality and Niche Products" are in line with a series of workshops and conferences within the COST action E40:
- Survey on the large diameter roundwood situation in Europe, BOKU Vienna, Austria
- Concepts of large diameter roundwood processing, Göttingen, in alliance with LIGNA Hannover (international wood machinery fair), Germany
- Large diameter timber: Problem or Chance? Biel, Switzerland
- Processes and new products, innovation workshop, excursion to special large diameter roundwood forests, San Michele/Trento, Italy
- Innovation workshop "products from large diameter timber" Warsaw, Poland
- Wood quality and niche products, including excursion wood processing, Grenoble, France
The various presentations reveal a huge variety of possible niche products and special applications beginning with a specific fibre morphology of large diameter timber (LDT), solid wood applications but also marketing issues and challenges. How can a proper roundwood price be matched to the dimension or quality of the logs? The proceedings are rounded up by a survey on the forest wood chain and LDT aspects in the Ukraine.
Preface - LIGNOVISIONEN Issue 19 Alfred Teischinger
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COST - European Co-operation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research
COST Action E40 - Innovative utilisation and products of large diameter timber