Corporate Design in general

  • Here you can find - after login - all information about Corporate Design at BOKU.

Corporate Design E-Mail Signature

  • A template and instructions for signatures can be found documented here - also after login.

You want to change your email signature? This is how it works!

Compose a new mail and click the gray arrow on the right side of the window:

Screenshot GroupWise - create new mail

Here you can edit existing signatures as well as create new ones.

Screenshot GroupWise - edit signature

By clicking on the pencil at "Create new signature" a new window opens and you can format your signature.

  • Here you also have the possibility to insert an image/logo etc.


Screenshot GroupWise - format signatures

You can also create and edit signatures via the menu. Under Tools > Options > Environment you can find the tab Signature.

Here you have the option to change your current signature or add a new one.You can also create several signatures and provide them with corresponding names.

Via the option Add automatically or Click to add you can decide whether a signature should be sent automatically with every email or if it should be added when writing your email.

When you choose Add automatically, the signature that is defined as standard is sent. 

If you do not wish to send a signature, the checkbox Signature must be deactivated.

Screenshot GroupWise - edit signature via menu

Change signatures in GroupWise WebAccess