Issue 10
Issue 10
Long-Term Supply and Demand Projections
for Wood Products in Austria until 2020
A Contribution to the UN-ECE/FAO
‘European Forest Sector Outlook Study’ Peter Schwarzbauer
140 pages (size B5)
Text: in English language
Summaries: in German and English language
Year of publication: 2005
Short summary
Over the past six decades, two UN organizations, UN-ECE (UN Economic Commission for Europe) and FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization), have been publishing long-term outlooks on the forest sector in ECE member states in a joint effort. The sixth of these studies since 1952, entitled ‘European Forest Sector Outlook Study’ (ETTS VI-EFSOS), was finished in 2005. The core of this study are econometric estimations and projections regarding supply and demand of forest products. Because of the international relevance of its forest sector, Austria was selected as one of the countries to be analyzed in detail. As the scientific consultant to the Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environmental and Water Management in ETTS-related issues, I calculated the econometric supply and demand estimations as well as projections for Austria. This report contains the Austrian contribution to the current European forest sector study ETTS VI-EFSOS and is an updated and enhanced version of the contribution to ETTS V (Long-Term Supply and Demand Projections for Wood Products in Austria. A Contribution to the Study "European Timber Trends and Prospects: Into the 21st Century", 1996). In order to reach an audience beyond the German-speaking world, this work is published in English with a summary as well as headings of tables and figures in German translation.
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Long-Term Supply and Demand Projections for Wood Products in Austria until 2020 Peter Schwarzbauer Links United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN-ECE)
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna
Department of Economics and Social Sciences
Institute of Marketing & Innovation