Issue 4
Issue 4 (Special edition)
of the international Symposium on
Wood Based Materials -
Wood Composites and Chemistry
71 articles
510 pages (size A4)
Text and Summaries: in English language
Year of publication: 2003
Short Summary Post Conference Edition of the Proceedings of the International Symposium "Wood Based Materials" organized by COST Action E13 "Wood Adhesion and Glued Products" and "Wood K plus" The issue covers the post conference edition of the proceedings of the symposium "Wood Based Materials – Wood Composites and Chemistry", which was organized by the Competence Centre for Wood Composites and Wood Chemistry "Wood K plus" in cooperation with the COST Action E13 – Wood Adhesion and Glued Products" in Vienna, Sept. 2002. The proceedings comprize 5 key-note lectures and 27 oral presentations, a summary of the Cost Action E13, a presentation of the Austrian Competence Center "Wood K plus" as well as 30 Posters with following topics:
- Wood modification and processing
- Adhesives and glueing
- Compound materials and glued products
- Wood chemistry and biotechnology
Abstracts and Summaries of Session 1
Wood modification and processing
Abstracts and Summaries of Session 2
Adhesives and glueing
Abstracts and Summaries of Session 3
Compound materials and glued products
Abstracts and Summaries of Session 4
Wood chemistry and biotechnology Links
Competence Centre for wood composites and wood chemistry (WOOD K plus)
COST - European CO-operation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research