Issue 3
Short Summary
The present volume “Modified Wood – Properties and Markets” summarises the results of an interdisciplinary project at the University of Agricultural Sciences (BOKU) regarding the issue “Wood Modification”.
Apart from extensive studies of literature on the various kinds of wood modification and a detailed view of the modification processes, current results of a test series regarding thermal and chemical modification are introduced and its influence on selected wood properties (e.g. strength properties, swelling/shrinkage, durability) is analysed. Based on these results parameters for the modification efficiency are discussed.
In a general cross-sectorial project the market potential of modified wood in selected market fields such as windows and facades are evaluated. Contents with downloads
Preface von Margareta Patzelt and Stingl Robert
Methods of modification von Barbara Stefke and Alfred Teischinger
Acetylation of wood von Barbara Stefke and Barbara Hinterstoisser
Inspect and review of selected methods of thermal treatment von Robert Stingl, Margareta Patzelt and Alfred Teischinger
Thermal treatment wood and the effect of selected wood properties von Margareta Patzelt, Robert Stingl and Alfred Teischinger
FT-IR spectroscopy for analyses of modified wood von Manfred Schwanninger and Barbara Hinterstoisser
Selected mechanical properties of modified wood von Gerhard Sinn, Milojka Gindl and Alexander Reiterer
Durability of treated wood against wood-destrying fungi von Christof Ladner and Erhard Halmschlager
Market chances of modified wood in selected market segments von Karl Hogl and Peter Schwarzbauer
Summary von Barbara Hinterstoisser and Margareta Patzelt Instituts- und Autorenbeschreibung Description of the parties institutes and authors