Issue 14 

High-Performance Materials from Nature

Hochleistungswerkstoffe aus der Natur 10 articles
100 pages (size B5)

Text and Summaries: in German language

Year of publication: 2006

Short Summary

The issue is a documentation of impulse presentations and discussions in the workshop named "High-Performance Materials from Nature" during the "Technology Forum" within the European Forum Alpbach 2006. The high performance of wood and cellulose-based materials as well as various issues of bioplastics and the use of straw as a building material were dealt with.
von Ernest Gabmann Alpbacher Technologiegespräche 2006 Werkstoffe aus der Natur - ein Netzwerk zeigt Profil
von Harald Bleier Effizienter Umgang mit der Ressource Biomasse notwendig
von Andreas Windsperger
Links European Forum Alpbach Plastics cluster - ecoplus
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