Overview IT Services for New Students

The most important IT services
for new BOKU students
During your study, BOKUonline will be your constant companion. This ranges from creating your account on Day One all the way to handing in your thesis at the end. In between you will register for numerous courses and exams using BOKUonline. It will also lead you to your lectures and show your exam results.
E-Mail System for BOKU Students
Yes, of course - you have your own email account at BOKU. Your email address ends with ...@students.boku.ac.at. Be aware of the fact that you will receive all your official messages at this email address - and do not miss these. To ensure you do not, use the mailing system for students or set up a forwarding via BOKUonline.
- Instructions Mailing for students
- Webmail: https://students.boku.ac.at
- E-Mail administration in BOKUonline (information only in German)
BOKUlearn (also known as "Moodle")
Some (not all!) instructors use this e-learning platform in order to provide you with course material, texts, pictures, videos, forums, tests, online submission for homework tasks, etc.
To be enrolled in a BOKUlearn course, please register for the course in BOKUonline and overnight you will be automatically enrolled in the corresponding BOKUlearn course.
- BOKUlearn: https://learn.boku.ac.at
- BOKUlearn FAQ
- BOKUlearn für Studierende: Infos & Tipps (self enrollment)
Storage space
You have 20 GB of space on your home folder, which you can conveniently access in the PC rooms as drive M: and from anywhere else via a web browser:
- Filr documentation
- Filr web interface: https://files.boku.ac.at
Regardless, you have another 20GB of space on BOKUdrive:
- BOKUdrive documentation
- BOKUdrive web interface: https://drive.boku.ac.at
BOKUcard for students
You need the BOKUcard for students as a photo ID, for access to certain rooms (e.g. PC rooms), for the BOKUprint credit top-up, ...
PC Rooms, Wifi, Printing
You can access these essential services using your own computer and BOKU WLAN (Wifi, eduroam) or you can simply use the public PC rooms.
- Wifi / WLAN - eduroam (separate password required!)
- PC rooms
Equipment is, of course, also provided for you to print your texts and scan lecture notes.
Video Tutorials
Video conferencing with Zoom
Guide to BOKU buildings and lecture halls
BOKU Navi - Guide to BOKU buildings and lecture halls
Further IT services
Who Do I Turn To?
- For questions related to your entire university period, such as registration, tuition fees, etc., please turn to the Study Services:
→ Study Services - The valid period of your BOKU account is automatically linked with your valid registration for the continuation of your studies.
- For questions related to specific lectures, registration, and deregistration from courses, exam dates, for grading etc., please turn to the respective institute, that is the respective institute secretary or the teacher.
- If you have any questions about BOKUlearn, please contact the e learning team:
→ e-learning(at)boku.ac.at - For questions related to your account, the mailing system for students, technical questions related to BOKUonline etc., please turn to the BOKU-IT Hotline:
→ BOKU-IT Hotline