My courses -Individual Course Plan (ICP)
Please check the currently valid curriculum and the information on the programme structure to find out which courses you have to take.
To get more information on the individual courses and to register for courses and exams, please use BOKUonline.
The Individual Course Plan (ICP) is a list of the courses that a student attends within the study programme. It helps you to keep track of the exams that you have already taken and the courses you still have to attend. The document has to be signed by the student, the administrative coordinator and at the end of the studies also by the academic programme coordinator. It is needed for the exchange and the graduation at BOKU.
The form of the individual course plan (ICP) is an excel sheet, listing all possible courses within NARMEE.
Curriculum 2024/25 (= currently valid version of the curriculum)
Individual course plan BOKU+LU (curriculum 24U, 2024/25) (xls)
Individual course plan BOKU+CZU (curriculum 24U, 2024/25) (xls)
Please find here an example to show how the final version of your ICP could look like:
Individual course plan BOKU+CULS 2020/21 - EXAMPLE
How do I fill in the Individual Course Plan (for the exchange and the graduation)?
1. Complete the excel file:
- Please be aware that the master's pogramme consists of 120 ECTS. BOKU students are allowed to take extra courses, but they will NOT be shown in the ICP nor in the graduation documents (just in the transcript of records).
- Delete the courses that you do not want to take - please read the instructions written in red in the excel sheet carefully! You do not have to take all courses in the order they are listed - we do not check when you have taken an exam.
- Add the courses under the Elective Field of Concentration (min. 10 ECTS)
The free electives may be selected from all courses offered by all recognized universities in Austria and abroad. As the subjects need to be thesis-related, they need to be confirmed by the the NARMEE programme coordinator before the ICP is signed. Students are recommended to select a course related to Research and scientific writing skills (see currently valid curriculum, Annex B). You can also ask your thesis supervisor for advice.
It is okay to have 1 or 2 ECTS more in this section, as long as you can not delete a course without falling under 10 ECTS.
Note: The free elective courses can be German, as long as they are approved by your supervisor and programme coordinator. However, in the ICP, you need to translate the title of such a German course to English.
- Add the courses that you want to take at the partner university (30 ECTS) in the section at the end of the excel sheet.
More information on LU courses
More information on CULS courses
- Delete all lines with with text written in red at the end (all instructions, whole lines!)
2. Get your courses confirmed
Please send an e-mail to the programme coordinator including
- your specialisation
- your courses at the partner university (list course number, title and ECTS directly in the e-mail)
- the free electives (list course number, title and ECTS directly in the e-mail) and
- the thesis title, the name of the supervisor and a thesis outline (1 page background, research questions/hypotheses, methods, expected results). The programme coordinator will then help you to find a co-supervisor at the partner university. If you already have a co-supervisor there, please add his/her name to the e-mail as well.
(all information in ONE e-mail)
The e-mail needs to be sent 4-6 weeks before the application deadline to LU resp. 4-6 weeks before June 30/January 30 before you go to CZU. The programme coordinator will then send all co-supervision requests together to the partner university.
-> Forward the e-mail confirmation by the programme coordinator (free electives, courses at the partner university) to ulrike.piringer(at) BEFORE you submit the ICP.
CZU courses additionally need to be confirmed by the administrative coordinator at CZU before the ICP is signed. Please forward her e-mail confirmation to ulrike.piringer(at) as well.
3. Get your ICP signed
Send the excel-file to the administrative NARMEE coordinator: ulrike.piringer(at)
If the document is correct, she will sign it and forward it to Dr. Oburger for her signature.
- If you go to Lincoln University, you need the signed Individual Course Plan for your application for the exchange semester! So please make sure to send it one month before the application deadline for the exchange semester/year at the latest.
- If you go to CZU with CEEPUS, you need the signed Individual Course Plan for your application for the exchange semester! So please make sure to send it one month before the application deadline for the exchange semester/year at the latest.
- If you go to CZU with Erasmus, the ICP needs to be signed at June 30/January 30 before your exchange.
One semester before your graduation, please check the ICP once again and change it, if necessary. For the graduation the ICP needs to be signed by the programme coordinator as well, but only AFTER the administrative NARMEE coordinator has checked/signed it.
Old versions of the Individual Course Plan (please be aware that all students are automatically transferred to the currently valid curriculum)
Curriculum 2023/24
Individual course plan BOKU+LU (curriculum 23U, 2023/24) (xls)
Individual course plan BOKU+CZU (curriculum 23U, 2023/24) (xls)
Curriculum 2022/23
Individual course plan BOKU+LU (curriculum 22U, 2022/23) (xls)
Individual course plan BOKU+CZU (curriculum 22U, 2022/23) (xls)
Curriculum 2021/22
Individual course plan BOKU+LU (curriculum 21U, 2021/22) (xls)
Individual course plan BOKU+CZU (curriculum 21U, 2021/22) (xls)
Curriculum 2020/21
Individual course plan BOKU+LU (curriculum 20U, 2020/21) (xls)
Individual course plan BOKU+CULS (curriculum 20U, 2020/21) (xls)