2 Modules:

Modul 1: Wednesday, 25 September 2024, 10am - 2pm - Presence SR19/1 (Simonyhaus)
Modul 2: Thursday, 26 September 2024, 9am - 1pm - online via Zoom

All lecturers: mandatory training course for lecturers who are teaching at BOKU for the first time, but also for experienced lecturers who have been teaching at BOKU for many years.


Lecturers get to know contact persons in the area of teaching. Important basics of academic law conditions and current developments as well as exchange programs and international partners of BOKU in teaching are presented.


Module 1:
Basic principles of research-led teaching at BOKU
Academic law 
Quality management in teaching
Internationality and teaching
Introduction to e-learning and didactics of new forms of teaching and learning
Followed by a get-together with a buffet

Module 2:
Introduction to examination management/BOKUonline
Overview of BOKUonline as a teaching information system incl. teaching assignment questions
cross-sectional topics


Short Presentations and group discussions

Maximum group size: 15 Participants

The training will take place on the first day in presence in seminar room 19/1 (SIMH-DG/01) and on the second day online via ZOOM

Vicerektor Assoc. Prof.in Dipl.-Ing.in Dr.in Doris Damyanovic

Serviceunits (BOKU International Relations; Study Services; Teaching and Learning Services; BOKU-IT; Cross sectional topics in teaching - ethics platform; WG BNE; Coordination Office for Gender Equality, Diversity and Accessibility)


Registration only via  BOKU online (Login erforderlich) --> BOKUonline Visite -->  Dienste --> BOKU-Trainingspass/Schulungen

The participation is free of charge!

Please note the terms and conditions.