Aktuelle Meldungen

LTS with Stephan Sonnenberg, JD
Community Mobilization Strategies in Cambodia
Stephan Sonnenberg, JD, will be holding a lecture on "Community Mobilization Strategies in Cambodia" as part of the LunchTimeSeries on Law, Technology and Society (LTS). The lecture takes place at Guttenberghaus SR 02 on June 29th from 12.00-13.30. Please register via law@boku.ac.at until June 26th. Catering will be provided!

LTS LunchTimeSeries mit Dr. Dagmar Kownatka
Optimierung der Versorgung mit neuen Technologien
Im Rahmen der LTS LunchTimeSeries on Law, Technology and Society hält Dr. Dagmar Kownatka am 22. Juni 2017 einen Vortrag über "Optimierung der Versorgung mit neuen Technologien". Der Vortrag findet von 12.00-13.30 im Guttenberghaus, SR 02 statt. Wir bitten um Anmeldung bis 19. Juni 2017 unter law@boku.ac.at. Für Verpflegung ist gesorgt!

LTS LunchTimeSeries with Dr. Kyoko Sato, Ph.D
Nuclear Imaginaries in Japan: From Hiroshima to Fukushima
Dr. Kyoko Sato, Ph.D, will be talking about "Nuclear Imaginaries in Japan: From Hiroshima to Fukushima" on June 21th 2017. The talk will explore how understanding and representation of nuclear technology developed in Japan from the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to the nuclear accident in Fukushima and its aftermath, and how specific nuclear imaginaries shaped and were shaped by the development of policy, politics and technology. The event is open for everyone and participation is free of charge, catering is provided. Please register until June 19th via law@boku.ac.at.