BOKU and EPICUR develop EDI strategy
BOKU’s Coordination Office collaborates with EPICUR – European University for the development of an EDI strategy. EDI stands for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and revolves around the questions of fair treatment and opportunity for all groups without discrimination. EPICUR, also known as the ‘European Partnership for an Innovative Campus Unifying Regions’, is one of the first-generation EU university alliances to pilot a modeling of a European University by new ways of increasing cooperation among higher education institutions.
In April 2021, EPICUR set out to apply EDI to its programmes and partnership, in order to support access to its partner universities, promote the expression of the diversity of talent throughout the training and research paths and ensure safe environments for learning and development for all. are key principles which should apply to all aspects of our existence. In the university context, as an environment for development learning and progress - we should even more so ensure that EDI is observed and employed as an enhancement to the lives of students and staff alike.
A working group (WG) was established and met for the first time in April. Formed by all of the EPICUR , the concept is to channel existing equality, diversity and inclusion measures and activities from each university into one holistic approach to EDI in EPICUR and strengthen existing efforts and collectively forge new ones inspired by each other. BOKU is the chair of EPICUR’s working group, coordinated by Dr. Margarita Calderón-Peter, Head of BOKU’s International Relations.