Amon Thomas / Agrarische Rohstoffe in Nachhaltigen Bioraffinieriesystemen Amon Thomas / EU-AGRO-Biogas Anhalt Ulrike / An AFLP-marker study of the Vitis vinifera cultivar White Riesling comprising 86 clones to investigate the stability of clones Bochmann Günther – Anaerobtechnologie Brader Günter - Tapping Bacterial Resources – Accessing Secondary Metabolites of the Uncultivated Buksnowitz Christoph / Strain distributions around knots in Picea abies (L.) boards subjected to tensile load Bürstmayr Maria / Molecular mapping of resistance to Fusarium head blight derived from three Triticum species Cvak Barbara / Development of Immunodiagnostic Strip Tests for Mycotoxin Screening of Food and Feed Donath Christina - Botector ® - BIOTECHNOLOGICAL BOTRYTICIDE effective against Botrytis on grapes Drosg Bernhard / Industrielle Anaerobtechnik - Beispielprojekt ENERCYCLE Fallmann Katharina / Phytoextraction of Heavy Metall Polluted Soils Friesl-Hanl Wolfgang / Entscheidungshilfe zur Festlegung der am besten geeigneten Sanierungsmethode bei Schwermetall-Kontaminationen Griesser Michaela / Berry shrivel in Austria: symptoms observed with cultivar Zweigelt (V.vinifera L.) Grünfelder Agnes / Biotechnologie und Molekularbiologie an der FH in Tulln Hansmann Christian / Kompetenzzentrum Holz WOOD K+ Herbinger Birgit / Lehre an der FH Irrgeher Johanna / Anwendung von Strontium - Isotopensignaturen für Mobilitäts- und Migrationsstudien Jezik Karoline Maria / Measurement of Holistic Quality Parameters of Pumpkin Jung Martin/ Konfliktfreie Nutzung von Georesssourcen Kattner Jürgen / Instrumentelle Analytik an der FH in Tulln Keckes Jozef / Cellulosics Characterized by In-Situ-Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction Combined with Mechanical Tests Kerenyi Zoltan / Microalgae- Biotechnology for the Future Klose Viviana / Microbial Feed Additives Kostic Tania / Microarrays for molecular detection and typing of microorganisms Lawo Nora / A stepwise assessment of Daktulosphaira vitifoliae infested grapevines in a Viennese vineyard site Lazarova Zdravka / Aufbereitung von Gelbwasser Leitner Daniel/ Mathematical Modelling of Rhizosphere Processes Leonhartsberger Christian / Possibilities for sustainable agrarian feedstock production & utilisation Loibner Andreas P. / Contaminated Land Management Matiasch Lydia / Mapping of adult plant leaf rust and stripe rust resistance in the Austrian winter wheat cultivar ‘Capo’ Mitter Birgit / Endophyte Research at the AIT Molinelli Alexandra / A rapid immunodiagnostic strip test for the quantitative determination of DON in wheat Moll Dieter / Catabolism of the Cancerogenic Mycotoxin Fumonisin B1 by Sphingopyxis sp. MTA144 Oburger Eva / Methods for Root Exudate Sampling Prohaska Thomas / Analytical Ecogeochemistry at the VIRIS Laboratory Schödl Katharina / Biomarker for UVB radiation in Vitis vinifera cv. Pinot noir: first results Schüller Christoph / Systematische Genetische Analysen mit Bäckerhefe Sieberer Tobias / Identifizierung von genetischen und chemischen Regulatoren zur Optimierung der Wachstumsrate und Biomasseproduktion von Pflanzen Soja Gerhard / Global Change and Plant Production: Project Examples Sperl Cornelia / Antibacterial activity of phytogenic substances against swine pathogens Steiner Barbara / Gene expression analysis of wheat near isogenic lines for Fhb1 and Qfhs.ifa-5A after Fusarium graminearum inoculation Trognitz Bodo / Genomics Cluster on dicot crops and cultivated plants Watzinger Andrea / Phytoremediation of Groundwater Contaminated with Halogenated Volatile organic Compounds Wieczorek Krzysztof / Cell Wall Remodelling and Biosynthesis During Pathogenesis of Cyst Nematodes