May 8, 2025 [ 9:00 am - 1:00 pm ]

This advanced training is aimed at all teachers at BOKU!

The advanced training can be credited within the framework of the Basiszertifikat Hochschullehre - Basic Didactics Certificate (*BZH) for MODUL 3 "Didactics Key Areas".

Diese Fortbildung richtet sich an alle Lehrenden der BOKU! 

Die Fortbildung kann im Rahmen des Basiszertifikats Hochschullehre (*BZH) für das MODUL 3 "Didaktische Schwerpunkte" angerechnet werden.


We explore practical applications of ChatGPT for instructors such as lesson planning, learning material and task development, handling administrative tasks, etc.


Practical application of ChatGPT to support lesson planning
Utilization of ChatGPT as a helpful tool for creating high-quality learning materials
Application of ChatGPT for developing appropriate examination tasks
Integration of ChatGPT to optimize administrative tasks related to university instruction
Analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of using ChatGPT from a didactic perspective
Sharing experiences and best practices for the efficient use of ChatGPT, including discussion and exchange of ideas


diverse interactive settings using various teaching and learning methods; individual reflection, pair and group activities, discussion

Please note: no specific prior knowledge of ChatGPT is required. Please sign up for ChatGPT before the webinar, as we will be working hands-on with ChatGPT during the workshop.

Maximum group size: 12 Participants

This training takes place online via ZOOM.

Mag.a Mag.a Elisabeth Weber

Mag. Mag. Dr. Elisabeth Weber is an academically certified didactics expert and professional instructor. She holds a PhD in English Language, Literature and Lingustics and is a graduate of several MA programs in didactics and English. She has intensively worked as instructor at secondary and tertiary level for twenty years. At BOKU she presently teaches English language courses. Additionally, she works as teacher trainer at various institutions of higher education and offers didactic coaching to instructors and policy makers. Elisabeth was honored with the first prize of BOKU's Teaching Award by an international jury in 2014 and got nominated for the 2021 Austrian National Award for Higher Education. 


Registration only via  BOKU online (Login erforderlich) --> BOKUonline Visite -->  Dienste --> BOKU-Trainingspass/Schulungen

The participation is free of charge!

Please note the terms and conditions.