WCTR 2019 Mumbai

WCTR 2019 Mumbai

From traffic management towards mobility management,
the case of the city of Vienna

Roman Klementschitz, Oliver Roider

“The times, they are changing” is already known from a Bob Dylan song. Within the European Horizon Research Project “CREATE - Congestion Reduction in Europe - Advancing Transport Efficiency” an analysis of transport related data was carried out, understanding the changes both in transport supply and transport demand over a longer period of time. Indicators of possible causes of changed travel patterns are covering demographic changes, economic developments, car ownership, labour-market, land use, or government policies. Analysis is distinguished between different segments of population in different parts of the cities over time. Data are mainly based on any kind of statistical sources available as well as household travel surveys and are documented for the longest possible period of time in the city, at least 20 years back from now, in some cases from the 1970s.
