Lehrveranstaltungen BOKU-StartDepartment für AgrarwissenschaftenInstitut für Ökologischen LandbauLehrveranstaltungen Diese Seite ist erreichbar unter: https://boku.ac.at/agri/oela/lehrveranstaltungen https://short.boku.ac.at/w3o5pk LVA-Nummer Titel ECTS LVA-Nummer TYP ECTS Titel Wintersemester 2024/25 933000 SE Praxisseminar Ökologische Landwirtschaft 3 933000 SE 3 Praxisseminar Ökologische Landwirtschaft 933062 VS Überlebensmittelsphilosophie 2 933062 VS 2 Überlebensmittelsphilosophie 933101 VO Ökologische Landwirtschaft 3 933101 VO 3 Ökologische Landwirtschaft 933102 SE Ökologische Landwirtschaft - Seminar 3 933102 SE 3 Ökologische Landwirtschaft - Seminar 933103 VS Richtlinien, Zertifizierung und Akkreditierung in der ÖLW (in Eng.) 3 933103 VS 3 Richtlinien, Zertifizierung und Akkreditierung in der ÖLW (in Eng.) 933107 SE Pflichtpraxisseminar - Ökologische Landwirtschaft 3 933107 SE 3 Pflichtpraxisseminar - Ökologische Landwirtschaft 933111 VS Ökologische Landwirtschaft und regionale Entwicklung 3 933111 VS 3 Ökologische Landwirtschaft und regionale Entwicklung 933300 PJ Start-up module (in Eng.) 6 933300 PJ 6 Start-up module (in Eng.) 933302 VS Protection of natural resources by organic farming (in Eng.) 3 933302 VS 3 Protection of natural resources by organic farming (in Eng.) 933306 SE Ethics in organic agriculture (in Eng.) 3 933306 SE 3 Ethics in organic agriculture (in Eng.) 933307 VU Crop production systems in organic agriculture (in Eng.) 3 933307 VU 3 Crop production systems in organic agriculture (in Eng.) 933310 SE System analysis and scenario technique - methods and practises (in Eng.) 5 933310 SE 5 System analysis and scenario technique - methods and practises (in Eng.) 933316 PJ Organic farming and regional development (in Eng.) 6 933316 PJ 6 Organic farming and regional development (in Eng.) 933331 VX Procedures of plant production in organic agriculture I (in Eng.) 1 933331 VX 1 Procedures of plant production in organic agriculture I (in Eng.) 933341 VS Ethnopedology, ethnometeorology and ethnoclimatology: Local knowledge about soil, weather and climate change (in Eng.) 3 933341 VS 3 Ethnopedology, ethnometeorology and ethnoclimatology: Local knowledge about soil, weather and climate change (in Eng.) 933343 SE Local knowledge and ethnobiology in organic farming (in Eng.) 6 933343 SE 6 Local knowledge and ethnobiology in organic farming (in Eng.) Sommersemester 2025 933000 SE Praxisseminar Ökologische Landwirtschaft 3 933000 SE 3 Praxisseminar Ökologische Landwirtschaft 933104 SE Bachelorseminar Ökologische Landwirtschaft 12 933104 SE 12 Bachelorseminar Ökologische Landwirtschaft 933105 VU Fruchtfolgesysteme und Anbauverfahren in der ÖLW 1.5 933105 VU 1.5 Fruchtfolgesysteme und Anbauverfahren in der ÖLW 933106 VU Betriebsanalyse und Umstellungsplanung 1.5 933106 VU 1.5 Betriebsanalyse und Umstellungsplanung 933107 SE Pflichtpraxisseminar - Ökologische Landwirtschaft 3 933107 SE 3 Pflichtpraxisseminar - Ökologische Landwirtschaft 933108 EX Ökologische Landwirtschaft 1 933108 EX 1 Ökologische Landwirtschaft 933112 VS Introduction to systemic thinking for organic farming: Theories and methods with examples from organic farming (in Eng.) 1.5 933112 VS 1.5 Introduction to systemic thinking for organic farming: Theories and methods with examples from organic farming (in Eng.) 933113 VX Grünland in der ÖLW 3 933113 VX 3 Grünland in der ÖLW 933303 VO European regulatory framework for organic production (in Eng.) 3 933303 VO 3 European regulatory framework for organic production (in Eng.) 933308 VU Soil fertility and soil ecology in organic agriculture (in Eng.) 3 933308 VU 3 Soil fertility and soil ecology in organic agriculture (in Eng.) 933312 EX Interdisciplinary excursion on organic agriculture (in Eng.) 2 933312 EX 2 Interdisciplinary excursion on organic agriculture (in Eng.) 933320 VS The global organic control and certification system (in Eng.) 3 933320 VS 3 The global organic control and certification system (in Eng.) 933329 SE Agroecology - A science, a practice and a movement (in Eng.) 3 933329 SE 3 Agroecology - A science, a practice and a movement (in Eng.) 933332 SX Procedures of plant production in organic agriculture II (in Eng.) 1 933332 SX 1 Procedures of plant production in organic agriculture II (in Eng.) 933340 SX Case studies in organic grassland management (in Eng.) 2 933340 SX 2 Case studies in organic grassland management (in Eng.) 933342 VS Food sovereignty and critical agrarian studies (in Eng.) 3 933342 VS 3 Food sovereignty and critical agrarian studies (in Eng.) 933344 SE Ethnobotany - research and application (in Eng.) 6 933344 SE 6 Ethnobotany - research and application (in Eng.)