1016 How to write a scientific publication
Target group:
- young scientists with little experience in scientific writing,
- experienced scientists who want to make writing easier by learning certain basic rules.
In this seminar you will learn how to prepare a scientific paper - step by step from data selection to submission.
Seminar Day 1: The most important aspects of writing a paper will be discussed using a very practical approach and all questions related to writing answered:
- What data can I publish?
- Do I already have enough results for a publication?
- How do I structure my paper so that it is cogent and interesting?
- What sections is a paper composed of?
- What information should each section contain and how do I present it?
- How do I develop my rough draft most efficiently?
- How do I submit my manuscript and what should I pay attention to when doing so?
- How do I react to comments from the journal or if my manuscript is rejected?
- How do I look for and select secondary literature?
- What particular language characteristics do I have to consider in a scientific text?
- How do I prevent or solve writer's block?
Seminar Day 2: The participants had one month to prepare their own texts and manuscripts using the techniques they learned. These first efforts will be discussed in detail, in the group and individually. In addition to a lot of practical tips, each participant will receive a detailed handbook which describes again step by step how to prepare a publication. Practical exercises, numerous examples and plenty of time for discussion and questions contribute to a better understanding of the seminar topics.
- Lecture / Presentation
- Practical exercises, analysis and discussion of examples
- Analysis and discussion of one's own texts
- Open discussion of one's own experiences and problems
- Seminar handbook
Termin und Ort:
Termin: Mi 27. Mai und Mi 24. Juni 2015, jeweils von 9 - 17 Uhr Ort: Seminarraum 07, Franz Schwackhöfer-Haus, Peter Jordan Str. 82, 1190 Wien - bitte wählen Sie bevorzugt öffentliche Verkehrsmittel oder benutzen Sie ein Fahrrad zur An,- und Abreise! Fahrradabstellplätze sind vor dem Veranstaltungsort vorhanden! Gruppengröße: min. 6 - max. 12 TeilnehmerInnen
Anmeldung und Kostenbeitrag:
Anmeldeschluss: 13.05.2015
Anmeldung ausschließlich über das Anmeldeformular. Der Kostenbeitrag für dieses Seminar beträgt 60 € und wird nach dem Seminar in Rechnung gestellt! Bitte beachten Sie unsere AGB
Seminar leader:
Dr. Eva Müller is a Ph.D. Biologist with many years practical experience in scientific research and scientific writing. As a scientist she wrote many papers of her own and later, as a scientific author, numerous publications for biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies as well as for research institutes. She teaches scientific writing at national and international universities and research centres. In addition, she provides scientists writing scientific publications with individual coaching. www.lifescience-texte.de