Courses BOKU-StartDepartment of Biotechnology and Food ScienceCourses This page is available under these URLs: Course nr Title Credits Course nr TYP ECTS Title Winter term 2024/25 750102 SE Bachelor´s thesis seminar 12 750102 SE 12 Bachelor´s thesis seminar 750105 SE Bachelor´s thesis seminar 12 750105 SE 12 Bachelor´s thesis seminar 750301 SE Master's thesis seminar I 2 750301 SE 2 Master's thesis seminar I 750302 SE Master's thesis seminar II 2 750302 SE 2 Master's thesis seminar II 750400 SE Doctoral seminar 2 750400 SE 2 Doctoral seminar 750405 SE Seminar to basic course I - analysis, design and engineering of proteins 1 750405 SE 1 Seminar to basic course I - analysis, design and engineering of proteins 750417 SE Journal club BioToP I 1 750417 SE 1 Journal club BioToP I 752101 VO Technical principles of winemaking 3 752101 VO 3 Technical principles of winemaking 752102 VO Fermentation processes in food industry 2 752102 VO 2 Fermentation processes in food industry 752103 VU Grape processing 3 752103 VU 3 Grape processing 752113 VU Principles of chemistry and microbiology of wine 3 752113 VU 3 Principles of chemistry and microbiology of wine 752126 PR Process engineering practical course 3 752126 PR 3 Process engineering practical course 752130 VO Unit operations in food processing 5 752130 VO 5 Unit operations in food processing 752311 VO Biochemical reaction engineering 2 752311 VO 2 Biochemical reaction engineering 752313 UE Practical course in food processing 5 752313 UE 5 Practical course in food processing 752314 SE Seminar in food technology 2 752314 SE 2 Seminar in food technology 752321 VO Food processing technology 3 752321 VO 3 Food processing technology 752323 UE Practical course in food technology 5 752323 UE 5 Practical course in food technology 752326 VO Large-scale catering and communal feeding 2 752326 VO 2 Large-scale catering and communal feeding 752327 VO Cereal technology 2 752327 VO 2 Cereal technology 752328 VO Brewery technology 2 752328 VO 2 Brewery technology 752329 VO Fruit and vegetable processing technology 2 752329 VO 2 Fruit and vegetable processing technology 752332 VO Processes in enzyme technology 2 752332 VO 2 Processes in enzyme technology 752338 PR Practical course in enzyme technology 3 752338 PR 3 Practical course in enzyme technology 752339 VU Enzyme engineering 2 752339 VU 2 Enzyme engineering 752341 VO Quality control and analysis in winemaking 3 752341 VO 3 Quality control and analysis in winemaking 752342 VU Quality control and analysis in winemaking - practices 3 752342 VU 3 Quality control and analysis in winemaking - practices 752343 UE Practical course in food technology 5 752343 UE 5 Practical course in food technology 752344 VO Structure and function of proteins 2 752344 VO 2 Structure and function of proteins 752347 PR Practical course in protein engineering and technology 5 752347 PR 5 Practical course in protein engineering and technology 752348 SE Master's thesis seminar 2 752348 SE 2 Master's thesis seminar 754100 VO Hygiene 3 754100 VO 3 Hygiene 754101 VO Microbiology (AS) 3 754101 VO 3 Microbiology (AS) 754103 UE Quality management exercises 3 754103 UE 3 Quality management exercises 754104 VS Business management and organization 3 754104 VS 3 Business management and organization 754117 UE Microbiology - practical course (AS) 2 754117 UE 2 Microbiology - practical course (AS) 754120 VU Principles of sensory science and nutrional psychology for oenologists 3 754120 VU 3 Principles of sensory science and nutrional psychology for oenologists 754310 UE Food authenticity practical course 3 754310 UE 3 Food authenticity practical course 754314 VS Food safety and risk management 3 754314 VS 3 Food safety and risk management 754316 UE Practical training in food microbiology for SIFC 3 754316 UE 3 Practical training in food microbiology for SIFC 754317 VO Food chemistry (for SIFC) 4 754317 VO 4 Food chemistry (for SIFC) 754318 UE Food chemistry practical course for SIFC 3 754318 UE 3 Food chemistry practical course for SIFC 754319 UE Applied quality management practical course for SIFC 5 754319 UE 5 Applied quality management practical course for SIFC 754325 VO Food microbiology for SIFC 4 754325 VO 4 Food microbiology for SIFC 754340 VO Food chemistry 5 754340 VO 5 Food chemistry 754341 UE Food chemistry practical course 4 754341 UE 4 Food chemistry practical course 754342 VO Food microbiology 4 754342 VO 4 Food microbiology 754344 VU Food physics 2 754344 VU 2 Food physics 754348 UE Applied quality management exercises 5 754348 UE 5 Applied quality management exercises 754351 VO Psychology of nutrition 2 754351 VO 2 Psychology of nutrition 754352 VU New product development 2 754352 VU 2 New product development 754354 VO Fat chemistry and technology 2 754354 VO 2 Fat chemistry and technology 754358 VU Applied quality management in winemaking and in the testing laboratory 3 754358 VU 3 Applied quality management in winemaking and in the testing laboratory 754359 UE Practical training in food microbiology 3 754359 UE 3 Practical training in food microbiology 754360 VS Applied quality management 3 754360 VS 3 Applied quality management 790008 SE Regenerative medicine - from cells to tissues and clinics? 2 790008 SE 2 Regenerative medicine - from cells to tissues and clinics? 790019 SE Contemporary science: international seminars at VIBT 1 790019 SE 1 Contemporary science: international seminars at VIBT 790040 VU Emerging and re-emerging viral threats 2 790040 VU 2 Emerging and re-emerging viral threats 790044 VU Safety at work 2 790044 VU 2 Safety at work 790047 VU Dynamic 3D cell culture (in Eng.) 2 790047 VU 2 Dynamic 3D cell culture (in Eng.) 790049 SE Master's thesis seminar in applied microbiology 2 790049 SE 2 Master's thesis seminar in applied microbiology 790057 UE BOKUstrings: Music with string instruments 2 790057 UE 2 BOKUstrings: Music with string instruments 790059 VU Design of experiments 2 790059 VU 2 Design of experiments 790099 VO How to write and publish a scientific publication 2 790099 VO 2 How to write and publish a scientific publication 790101 UE Practical introduction to bioinformatics 2 790101 UE 2 Practical introduction to bioinformatics 790103 UE Practical introduction to programming 1 790103 UE 1 Practical introduction to programming 790105 UE Applied microbiology practical course 4 790105 UE 4 Applied microbiology practical course 790107 SE Bachelor's thesis seminar 12 790107 SE 12 Bachelor's thesis seminar 790111 VO Plant biotechnology 3 790111 VO 3 Plant biotechnology 790116 VO Microbial physiology 2.5 790116 VO 2.5 Microbial physiology 790123 VO Fundamentals of bioprocess engineering 6 790123 VO 6 Fundamentals of bioprocess engineering 790128 VU General microbiology practical course 6 790128 VU 6 General microbiology practical course 790131 VO Introduction to food science, biotechnology and process engineering 3 790131 VO 3 Introduction to food science, biotechnology and process engineering 790303 VU Computing skills for biotechnology (in Eng.) 2 790303 VU 2 Computing skills for biotechnology (in Eng.) 790314 PJ Bio informatics 2 790314 PJ 2 Bio informatics 790318 VO Animal cell culture 2 790318 VO 2 Animal cell culture 790328 UE Practical course in Green chemistry II 6 790328 UE 6 Practical course in Green chemistry II 790350 VU Bioprocess engineering I 4 790350 VU 4 Bioprocess engineering I 790351 VO Cell factories 4 790351 VO 4 Cell factories 790353 VU Quality management in biotechnology 3 790353 VU 3 Quality management in biotechnology 790357 VO Up- und downstream-processing 3 790357 VO 3 Up- und downstream-processing 790358 VU Bioprocess engineering II 4 790358 VU 4 Bioprocess engineering II 790359 UE Bioprocess engineering laboratory 5 790359 UE 5 Bioprocess engineering laboratory 790360 VS Products and processes in biotechnology 2 790360 VS 2 Products and processes in biotechnology 790367 VO Stem cells and tissue engineering 3 790367 VO 3 Stem cells and tissue engineering 790368 VO Biological therapeutics 2 790368 VO 2 Biological therapeutics 790379 VU Using bioinformatics for expression profiling by next generation sequencing 2 790379 VU 2 Using bioinformatics for expression profiling by next generation sequencing 790380 VO Engineering of biotechnological production facilities 2 790380 VO 2 Engineering of biotechnological production facilities 790383 VU Bioinformatics: Selected aspects 3 790383 VU 3 Bioinformatics: Selected aspects 790385 VU Bioinformatics lab rotation 2 790385 VU 2 Bioinformatics lab rotation 790388 VU Bayesian data analysis in the life sciences 4 790388 VU 4 Bayesian data analysis in the life sciences 790389 VS Modern bioinformatics 2 790389 VS 2 Modern bioinformatics 790390 VO Molecular evolution and phylogenetics 1 790390 VO 1 Molecular evolution and phylogenetics 790392 VS Microbial ecology 2 790392 VS 2 Microbial ecology 790395 VS Infectious diseases and vaccines 2 790395 VS 2 Infectious diseases and vaccines 790396 VU Introduction to programming 3 790396 VU 3 Introduction to programming 790397 VO Protein engineering 3 790397 VO 3 Protein engineering 790398 VO Antibody engineering 3 790398 VO 3 Antibody engineering 790400 SE Doctoral seminar in applied microbiology 2 790400 SE 2 Doctoral seminar in applied microbiology 790402 VU Synthetic protein biotechnology 1 790402 VU 1 Synthetic protein biotechnology 790405 VU Review, Revision & Resubmission for Doctoral Candidates (in Eng.) 2 790405 VU 2 Review, Revision & Resubmission for Doctoral Candidates (in Eng.) 790416 UE Instructional course IVB - next-generation sequencing 3 790416 UE 3 Instructional course IVB - next-generation sequencing 790431 UE Pilot plant BioproEng 8 790431 UE 8 Pilot plant BioproEng 790433 SE Journal club BioproEng I .5 790433 SE .5 Journal club BioproEng I 790435 VO Scientific writing BioproEng .5 790435 VO .5 Scientific writing BioproEng 790438 VO Biothermodynamics 2 790438 VO 2 Biothermodynamics 804310 VO Synthetic biology 2 804310 VO 2 Synthetic biology 940095 SE Protein trafficking in the early secretory pathway 2 940095 SE 2 Protein trafficking in the early secretory pathway 940102 SE Bachelor's thesis seminar 12 940102 SE 12 Bachelor's thesis seminar 940103 SE Compulsory internship seminar 3 940103 SE 3 Compulsory internship seminar 940106 VO Introduction to cell biology and genetics 4 940106 VO 4 Introduction to cell biology and genetics 940107 UE Introduction to cell biology and genetics - exercises 1 940107 UE 1 Introduction to cell biology and genetics - exercises 940110 UE Laboratory course agricultural genetics 3 940110 UE 3 Laboratory course agricultural genetics 940115 UE Laboratory course in molecular biology I 3 940115 UE 3 Laboratory course in molecular biology I 940301 VO Structure and analysis of genomes 3 940301 VO 3 Structure and analysis of genomes 940319 VO Cell and molecular biology I 4 940319 VO 4 Cell and molecular biology I 940323 UE Laboratory course in molecular biology II 3 940323 UE 3 Laboratory course in molecular biology II 940325 VO Cell and molecular biology II 3 940325 VO 3 Cell and molecular biology II 940330 SE Master's thesis seminar 2 940330 SE 2 Master's thesis seminar 940336 PR Exercises in molecular biology 3 940336 PR 3 Exercises in molecular biology 940337 PR Practical course in cell biology 3 940337 PR 3 Practical course in cell biology 940338 SE Seminar in cell biology 2 940338 SE 2 Seminar in cell biology 940340 SE Plant sensing, response and adaption to the environment 2 940340 SE 2 Plant sensing, response and adaption to the environment 940372 SE Compulsory internship seminar 3 940372 SE 3 Compulsory internship seminar 940373 SE Compulsory internship seminar 3 940373 SE 3 Compulsory internship seminar 940400 SE Doctoral seminar 2 940400 SE 2 Doctoral seminar 940401 VS Principles and challenges of research in socio-economics, natural resources and life sciences 4 940401 VS 4 Principles and challenges of research in socio-economics, natural resources and life sciences 940423 VU Plant cell technology 2 940423 VU 2 Plant cell technology 940424 SE Seminar AgriGenomics III .5 940424 SE .5 Seminar AgriGenomics III Summer term 2025 750102 SE Bachelor's thesis seminar 12 750102 SE 12 Bachelor's thesis seminar 750105 SE Bachelor´s thesis seminar 12 750105 SE 12 Bachelor´s thesis seminar 750301 SE Master's thesis seminar I 2 750301 SE 2 Master's thesis seminar I 750302 SE Master's thesis seminar II 2 750302 SE 2 Master's thesis seminar II 750400 SE Doctoral seminar 2 750400 SE 2 Doctoral seminar 750410 UE Instructional course IB - protein design by directed evolution 3 750410 UE 3 Instructional course IB - protein design by directed evolution 752001 VO Selected topics in food sciences 1 752001 VO 1 Selected topics in food sciences 752110 VO Processing of plant products 2 752110 VO 2 Processing of plant products 752126 PR Process engineering practical course 3 752126 PR 3 Process engineering practical course 752312 VU From sequence to structure: prediction, modelling and molecular dynamics of protein structures 3 752312 VU 3 From sequence to structure: prediction, modelling and molecular dynamics of protein structures 752322 VO Food ingredient functionality 3 752322 VO 3 Food ingredient functionality 752323 UE Practical course in food technology 5 752323 UE 5 Practical course in food technology 752324 VO Food biotechnology 5 752324 VO 5 Food biotechnology 752325 VU Food packaging technology 3 752325 VU 3 Food packaging technology 752331 VO Technology of sugar 2 752331 VO 2 Technology of sugar 752334 VO Technology of chocolate and confectionary 2 752334 VO 2 Technology of chocolate and confectionary 752335 VO Technology of drinks 2 752335 VO 2 Technology of drinks 752336 VO Dairy technology 2 752336 VO 2 Dairy technology 752337 SE Enzyme technology seminar 2 752337 SE 2 Enzyme technology seminar 752338 PR Practical course in enzyme technology 3 752338 PR 3 Practical course in enzyme technology 752340 VO Biochemical technology 2 752340 VO 2 Biochemical technology 752343 UE Practical course in food technology 5 752343 UE 5 Practical course in food technology 752345 VO Enzyme reactions: mechanisms and kinetics 2 752345 VO 2 Enzyme reactions: mechanisms and kinetics 752346 VO Applied biocatalysis 3 752346 VO 3 Applied biocatalysis 752347 PR Practical Course in Protein Engineering and Technology 5 752347 PR 5 Practical Course in Protein Engineering and Technology 752400 SE Journal club BioMatInt III 1 752400 SE 1 Journal club BioMatInt III 754004 EX Excursion in food safety .5 754004 EX .5 Excursion in food safety 754098 VU QM - quality manager junior 3 754098 VU 3 QM - quality manager junior 754103 UE Quality management exercises 3 754103 UE 3 Quality management exercises 754105 VU Introduction to chemical food analysis 2 754105 VU 2 Introduction to chemical food analysis 754108 VO Basics of milk hygiene and technology 2 754108 VO 2 Basics of milk hygiene and technology 754109 VO Quality management I 2 754109 VO 2 Quality management I 754110 VO Quality management II 3 754110 VO 3 Quality management II 754117 UE Microbiology - practical course (AS) 2 754117 UE 2 Microbiology - practical course (AS) 754309 VO Authenticity of foods 3 754309 VO 3 Authenticity of foods 754310 UE Food authenticity practical course 3 754310 UE 3 Food authenticity practical course 754311 PR Practical course in dairy technology 3 754311 PR 3 Practical course in dairy technology 754312 SE Seminar on food science 2 754312 SE 2 Seminar on food science 754315 SE Specific and emerging topics in food microbiology 3 754315 SE 3 Specific and emerging topics in food microbiology 754320 VU Reference materials and methods validation in food safety assurance 3 754320 VU 3 Reference materials and methods validation in food safety assurance 754323 VO Validation of cleaning processes and hygienic design 3 754323 VO 3 Validation of cleaning processes and hygienic design 754326 SE National and international food safety authorities 3 754326 SE 3 National and international food safety authorities 754341 UE Food chemistry practical course 4 754341 UE 4 Food chemistry practical course 754344 VU Food physics 2 754344 VU 2 Food physics 754345 VO Food toxicology 2 754345 VO 2 Food toxicology 754346 VU Sensory evaluation of food 2 754346 VU 2 Sensory evaluation of food 754348 UE Applied quality management exercises 5 754348 UE 5 Applied quality management exercises 754353 VO Aroma of foods 2 754353 VO 2 Aroma of foods 754355 UE Milk analysis 2 754355 UE 2 Milk analysis 754356 VO Food supply chain management 3 754356 VO 3 Food supply chain management 754357 UE Practical work in dairying 2 754357 UE 2 Practical work in dairying 754359 UE Practical training in food microbiology 3 754359 UE 3 Practical training in food microbiology 790016 VX Biotechnology from the scratch: basic methods and technological implementation 3 790016 VX 3 Biotechnology from the scratch: basic methods and technological implementation 790019 SE Contemporary science: international seminars at VIBT 1 790019 SE 1 Contemporary science: international seminars at VIBT 790033 US iGEM Vienna @ BOKU 7 790033 US 7 iGEM Vienna @ BOKU 790037 VS Characterisation of blood stem cells as starting cells for biotechnology 1 790037 VS 1 Characterisation of blood stem cells as starting cells for biotechnology 790042 VS The young life scientist´s guide to -omics: Complex networks, their dissection and everything else 3 790042 VS 3 The young life scientist´s guide to -omics: Complex networks, their dissection and everything else 790046 VS Human gene therapy: Introduction (in Eng.) 2 790046 VS 2 Human gene therapy: Introduction (in Eng.) 790049 SE Master's thesis seminar in applied microbiology 2 790049 SE 2 Master's thesis seminar in applied microbiology 790053 VS Non-viral gene therapy 2 790053 VS 2 Non-viral gene therapy 790058 UE BOKUstrings: Music with string instruments 2 790058 UE 2 BOKUstrings: Music with string instruments 790102 VO General microbiology 3 790102 VO 3 General microbiology 790105 UE Applied microbiology practical course 4 790105 UE 4 Applied microbiology practical course 790107 SE Bachelor's thesis seminar 12 790107 SE 12 Bachelor's thesis seminar 790108 SE Bioethics 1 790108 SE 1 Bioethics 790112 VX Biosafety 2 790112 VX 2 Biosafety 790121 VO Introduction to immunology 2 790121 VO 2 Introduction to immunology 790122 VU General mycology 3 790122 VU 3 General mycology 790125 VO Selected topics in biotechnology 1.5 790125 VO 1.5 Selected topics in biotechnology 790126 VO Innovation management 3 790126 VO 3 Innovation management 790128 VU General microbiology practical course 6 790128 VU 6 General microbiology practical course 790129 VS Biotechnological products 2 790129 VS 2 Biotechnological products 790131 VO Introduction to food science, biotechnology and process engineering 3 790131 VO 3 Introduction to food science, biotechnology and process engineering 790132 SE The garage 6 790132 SE 6 The garage 790304 VS Strain improvement of microorganisms and higher eukaryotic cells 3 790304 VS 3 Strain improvement of microorganisms and higher eukaryotic cells 790312 VO Safety aspects of plant biotechnology 3 790312 VO 3 Safety aspects of plant biotechnology 790313 VO Microbial plant protection 3 790313 VO 3 Microbial plant protection 790325 VO Flow cytometry and cell sorting in biotechnology 3 790325 VO 3 Flow cytometry and cell sorting in biotechnology 790327 UE Practical course in plant biotechnology 4.5 790327 UE 4.5 Practical course in plant biotechnology 790333 VS Biology of aging 3 790333 VS 3 Biology of aging 790353 VU Quality management in biotechnology 3 790353 VU 3 Quality management in biotechnology 790355 VU Introduction to metabolic modelling 2 790355 VU 2 Introduction to metabolic modelling 790356 VO Metabolic and cell engineering 2 790356 VO 2 Metabolic and cell engineering 790358 VU Bioprocess engineering II 4 790358 VU 4 Bioprocess engineering II 790359 UE Bioprocess engineering laboratory 5 790359 UE 5 Bioprocess engineering laboratory 790361 VO Crop plant science 2 790361 VO 2 Crop plant science 790363 VO Immuno- and vascular biology in health and disease 2 790363 VO 2 Immuno- and vascular biology in health and disease 790364 VO Preclinical studies 1 790364 VO 1 Preclinical studies 790365 VS Clinical studies 1 790365 VS 1 Clinical studies 790369 UE Practical course in cell culture and fermentation 3 790369 UE 3 Practical course in cell culture and fermentation 790370 VO Mechanisms of cell regulation in biotechnology 2 790370 VO 2 Mechanisms of cell regulation in biotechnology 790371 VU Automation of bioprocesses 3 790371 VU 3 Automation of bioprocesses 790377 SE Seminar in biotechnology 2 790377 SE 2 Seminar in biotechnology 790379 VU Using bioinformatics for expression profiling by next generation sequencing 2 790379 VU 2 Using bioinformatics for expression profiling by next generation sequencing 790381 VU Essentials for bioinformatics data analysis 3 790381 VU 3 Essentials for bioinformatics data analysis 790382 VS High throughput sequencing and genome analysis 3 790382 VS 3 High throughput sequencing and genome analysis 790383 VU Bioinformatics: Selected aspects 3 790383 VU 3 Bioinformatics: Selected aspects 790384 VU Machine learning and pattern recognition for bioinformatics 4 790384 VU 4 Machine learning and pattern recognition for bioinformatics 790385 VU Bioinformatics lab rotation 2 790385 VU 2 Bioinformatics lab rotation 790386 VO Fundamentals of environmental biotechnology 3 790386 VO 3 Fundamentals of environmental biotechnology 790393 VS Antibodies and beyond - emerging fields in antibody engineering 2 790393 VS 2 Antibodies and beyond - emerging fields in antibody engineering 790394 VU Sequencing data analysis 3 790394 VU 3 Sequencing data analysis 790396 VU Introduction to programming 3 790396 VU 3 Introduction to programming 790400 SE Doctoral seminar in applied microbiology 2 790400 SE 2 Doctoral seminar in applied microbiology 790404 UE Lab rotation BioMatInt 2 790404 UE 2 Lab rotation BioMatInt 790406 VU Bioinformatics: genomics and sequencing data analysis for PhD students 2 790406 VU 2 Bioinformatics: genomics and sequencing data analysis for PhD students 790408 VU Basic Linux and genomics data analysis skills for PhD students 2 790408 VU 2 Basic Linux and genomics data analysis skills for PhD students 790430 VU 3D cell culture 2 790430 VU 2 3D cell culture 790431 UE Pilot plant BioproEng 8 790431 UE 8 Pilot plant BioproEng 790434 VU IP-project management BioproEng .5 790434 VU .5 IP-project management BioproEng 790436 SE Interaction with biotech industry BioproEng 1 790436 SE 1 Interaction with biotech industry BioproEng 790439 SE Doctoral seminar BioproEng II .5 790439 SE .5 Doctoral seminar BioproEng II 804023 VS What you always wanted to know about nanoparticles (and never dared to ask) 2 804023 VS 2 What you always wanted to know about nanoparticles (and never dared to ask) 804302 VO Biomimetic model lipid membranes 3 804302 VO 3 Biomimetic model lipid membranes 804304 VS Synthetic bioarchitectures 4 804304 VS 4 Synthetic bioarchitectures 804402 SE Seminar synthetic biology 2 804402 SE 2 Seminar synthetic biology 940018 UE Laboratory course in cell biology 3 940018 UE 3 Laboratory course in cell biology 940084 SE Posttranslational modifications and their role in plant development 2 940084 SE 2 Posttranslational modifications and their role in plant development 940102 SE Bachelor's thesis seminar 12 940102 SE 12 Bachelor's thesis seminar 940103 SE Compulsory internship seminar 3 940103 SE 3 Compulsory internship seminar 940104 VO Molecular biology for agricultural sciences 3 940104 VO 3 Molecular biology for agricultural sciences 940105 VO Introduction to molecular biology 2 940105 VO 2 Introduction to molecular biology 940106 VO Introduction to cell biology and genetics 4 940106 VO 4 Introduction to cell biology and genetics 940107 UE Introduction to cell biology and genetics - exercises 1 940107 UE 1 Introduction to cell biology and genetics - exercises 940110 UE Laboratory course agricultural genetics 3 940110 UE 3 Laboratory course agricultural genetics 940115 UE Laboratory course in molecular biology I 3 940115 UE 3 Laboratory course in molecular biology I 940307 VO Developmental genetics 3 940307 VO 3 Developmental genetics 940311 VO Cell biology 3 940311 VO 3 Cell biology 940318 SE Developmental genetics of plants 3 940318 SE 3 Developmental genetics of plants 940321 VO Plant molecular biology 3 940321 VO 3 Plant molecular biology 940322 VO Plant biochemistry and cell biology 2.5 940322 VO 2.5 Plant biochemistry and cell biology 940323 UE Laboratory course in molecular biology II 3 940323 UE 3 Laboratory course in molecular biology II 940326 VO Pathophysiology for biotechnologists 2 940326 VO 2 Pathophysiology for biotechnologists 940327 VO Oncology for biotechnologists 2 940327 VO 2 Oncology for biotechnologists 940330 SE Master's thesis seminar 2 940330 SE 2 Master's thesis seminar 940331 UE Cell factory - plants 3 940331 UE 3 Cell factory - plants 940332 SE Genetically modified organisms in the environment 2 940332 SE 2 Genetically modified organisms in the environment 940336 PR Exercises in molecular biology 3 940336 PR 3 Exercises in molecular biology 940337 PR Practical course in cell biology 3 940337 PR 3 Practical course in cell biology 940339 VU Methods in cell biology 3 940339 VU 3 Methods in cell biology 940372 SE Compulsory internship seminar 3 940372 SE 3 Compulsory internship seminar 940373 SE Compulsory internship seminar 3 940373 SE 3 Compulsory internship seminar 940400 SE Doctoral seminar 2 940400 SE 2 Doctoral seminar 940401 VS Principles and challenges of research in socio-economics, natural resources and life sciences 4 940401 VS 4 Principles and challenges of research in socio-economics, natural resources and life sciences 940402 VO Basic course II - biosynthesis, post-translational modifications and trafficking of recombinant proteins 3 940402 VO 3 Basic course II - biosynthesis, post-translational modifications and trafficking of recombinant proteins 940406 SE Seminar to basic course II - biosynthesis, post-translational modifications and trafficking of recombinant proteins 1 940406 SE 1 Seminar to basic course II - biosynthesis, post-translational modifications and trafficking of recombinant proteins 940412 UE Instructional course IIB - protein secretion and endocytosis 3 940412 UE 3 Instructional course IIB - protein secretion and endocytosis 940422 SE Doctoral seminar BioToP II 1 940422 SE 1 Doctoral seminar BioToP II